
Soal Dan Solusi Olimpiade Fisika Internasional Tahun 1990 - 1999

IPhO 1990 (XXI Groningen, The Netherlands)
Problems and Solutions (pdf)

IPhO 1991 (XXII Havana, Cuba)
Problems and Solutions (pdf) 

IPhO 1992 (XXIII Helsinki-Espoo, Finland)

IPhO 1993 (XXIV Williamsburg, USA)
Problems and Solutions (pdf) 

IPhO 1994 (XXV Beijing, China)
Problems and Solutions (doc) 

IPhO 1995 (XXVI Canberra, Australia)
Theoretical Questions Solutions (pdf)
Experimental Question 1 Solution (pdf)
Experimental Question 2 Solution (pdf)

IPhO 1996 (XXVII Oslo, Norway)

Theoretical Problems and Solutions (pdf)
Experimental Problems and Solutions (pdf)

IPhO 1997 (XXVIII Sudbury, Canada)
Problems and Solutions (pdf)

IPhO 1998 (XXIX Reykjavik, Iceland)

IPhO 1999 (XXX Padova, Italy)
Theoretical Question 1 Problem (zipped doc) (post script)
Theoretical Question 2 Problem (zipped doc) (post script)
Theoretical Question 3 Problem (zipped doc) (post script)
Experimental Question Problem (zipped doc) (post script)

Theoretical Question 1 Solution (zipped doc) (post script)
Theoretical Question 2 Solution (zipped doc) (post script)
Theoretical Question 3 Solution (zipped doc) (post script)
Experimental Question Solution (zipped doc) (post script)
Comment on the experimental persoalan (zipped doc) (post script)
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